
關於雲平 About



在爵士樂方面,曾參與「台北青年爵士大樂團TYJO」、「MajaM麻將樂團」於各大Jazz BarLive House、爵士音樂節演出;而佛朗明哥方面,雲平也是台灣少數有佛朗明哥現場伴奏能力之吉他手,也曾與「迷火佛拉門戈」、「賽米亞佛朗明哥」、「 Beta佛拉明哥」、「小野狂花樂舞合作社 La Gitanita」、「沃 佛朗明哥 W.O Flamenco」合作擔任伴奏吉他手,於各大展演空間、劇場、藝穗節演出。



另外,雲平也與許多創作歌手、藝人、舞台劇、佛朗明哥、電影配樂、電視劇配樂等合作演出。如:哈林(庾澄慶)、孫盛希、張克帆、四葉草、許富凱、邵大倫、王欣晨 Amanda、林綾、吳蓓雅PiA、閃靈Freddy、溫嵐、萬芳、黃連煜、黃瑋傑等等。



        Yun-Ping Liu, Ph.D., a man full of curiosity and passion, is an experienced guitar player who cares deeply about making great music with his fingertips. As an experienced guitar player, Yun-Ping plays in many different kinds of styles, such as Flamenco, Blues, Rock, Funk, Jazz, Latin and Fingerstyle.

        In the jazz field, Yun-Ping was part of the “Taipei Youth Jazz Orchestra (TYJO)” and “MajaM Jazz Band”, and playing in all kinds of jazz bar, livehouses and music festivals. In the flamenco field, Yun-Ping is the ones who can play live flamenco with singers and dancers, which is not common in Taiwan. He has collaborated with many flamenco groups such as Semilla, Beta,  La Gitanita, W.O Flamenco and playing in tablao, theaters and all kinds of art festivals.

Since winning first prize at the “Guitar Utopia Fingerstyle Competition” in 2012, Yun-Ping has continued to compose many pieces for fingerstyle guitar. In 2016, Yun-Ping released his first album, “The Journey on the Fingerboard,” which was shortlisted in the “Best Musicians” category at the Golden Indie Music Awards (GIMA).

        Yun-Ping is also the author of the guitar book series “Fundamental of Pop Guitar,” which is the most well-known guitar/music textbook in Taiwan. There are three volumes — Elementary, Intermediate and Music Styles — three different levels appropriate for different needs. Also, from 2019, Yun-Ping held a forum called “Guitar Education Talks, GET”, which is for sharing ideas and thoughts for teachers.

        Lastly, Yun-Ping has participated in diverse types of musical productions, including musical theater performances and TV/movie film score production, and has served as an instrumentalist for several well-known bands and singers such as Harlem Yu, Shi Shi,Jonathan Chang, Joyce Chu, Henry Hsu, Amanda, PiA, ChthoniC, Wen-Lan (Landy), Wan-Fang , Ayugo Huang and Huang Wei-Jie.

        For going through all these live, recording, session, solo as a player, Yun-Ping started to take a different position as a music producer. Form songwriting, arrangement, recoding, mixing, hoping to bring new taste and energy to people’s ears. He had been the producer of Singer Lin-lin, Yu-tin, Yu Teng-Lin and ukulele artist Annier Lee. 

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